Hawaiian Craftsman at Hōnaunau

Back in May, we visited the Pu’uhonau o Hōnaunau National Historic Park on the Big Island of Hawai’i. As you might expect, everything about Hōnaunau was fascinating. Yet one of the high points came as we were about to leave.

DSC_7558The last point on the self-guided tour of the site is a group of Hālau, thatched open-ended structures used for storage, or as workshops or classrooms. In one of these Hālau was local historian and craftsman, Kihe da Silva. He was dressed in the traditional Hawaiian way, patiently carving a lump of coral in the time-honoured manner.

DSC_7553And when I say carving, I actually mean slowly rubbing the coral away with a small stone. It’s a painstaking and meditative process.

DSC_7552Kihe told us that the symbol he was carving represented Kihawahina, one of three sisters important in the mythology of Hōnaunau.

DSC_7555Appeal: All three sisters’ names began with ‘K’, one of the others being Kila. I’ve tried looking up the legend, but have so far had no luck. All I’ve found is a lizard-goddess called Kihawahine (note the slight spelling difference) important on Maui, but I don’t think that’s it. If anyone knows the story, I’d love to hear from you!

This post was inspired by the photo themes of Hands from Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge.

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Jaspa's Journey is a series of award-winning, travel-based adventure novels for strong middle grade readers by Rich Meyrick. Join the Adventure! Read the books! Follow Jaspa’s ongoing Journeys at www.jaspasjourney.com. Let's explore this amazing world together! And don’t forget to download the books and see what the buzz is all about!
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2 Responses to Hawaiian Craftsman at Hōnaunau

  1. Cee Neuner says:

    Great hands. He must have been fun to watch.

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