Very Inspiring Blogger Award: A Nice Way To Start The Year!

It’s always nice to be told people like what you’re doing. And to be told it’s inspirational is, well… Wow!

Naturally then, I was extremely surprised, grateful and humbled to be nominated for the a Very Inspirational Blogger Award by Ruchi. What a fantastic way to start the New Year!

Very Inspiring Blogger AwardRuchi as a wonderful blog of her own, called Come Travel Along. It’s full of great photos, particularly of the US Pacific Northwest, where she lives these days.

The rules for receiving a Very Inspirational Blogger Award are simple:

  1. Thank and link the amazing person who nominated you.
  2. List the rules and display the award.
  3. Share seven facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.

So that’s #1 and #2 covered. Now for seven random facts about myself:

* I know I’ve said this before, but I’m the star of Jaspa’s Journey, a series of travel-based adventure novels enjoyed by all ages, which is to say both children and adults. (Drop me an e-mail to for a free download of the first book.)

The three Jaspa's Journey books currently available

The three Jaspa’s Journey books currently available

* I’ve already been to all 50 US states, and if things go to plan, I hope to check off my 50th country this year.

The island of Kauai was my first stop in my 50th US state, Hawaii

The island of Kauai was my first stop in my 50th US state, Hawaii

* I do all I can to help protect the environment, but I also love Formula 1 motor racing.

Enjoying the 2014 Hungarian Formula 1 Grand Prix in Budapest

Enjoying the 2014 Hungarian Formula 1 Grand Prix in Budapest

* My favourite city (so far) is Venice, which I visited for the fourth time last summer.

I simply can't get enough of Venice

I simply can’t get enough of Venice

* I’m not very good with heights, but I love flying.

In a helicopter over the Taku Glacier, Alaska

In a helicopter over the Taku Glacier, Alaska

* …And ziplining!

The Beast zipline, Puerto Rico

The Beast zipline, Puerto Rico

* The way my travel bucket list is growing, I Think I Need A Bigger Bucket!

I Think I Need A Bigger Bucket!

I Think I Need A Bigger Bucket!

Which just leaves my nominations. There are several blogs out there that post weekly photography challenges, and I use these to help me decide what to write about on any given day. In fact, I often time my own posts to coincide with the days these challenges come out.

Many of my posts conclude with a phrase like “This post was inspired by…” So it’s not just lip service when I say the following blogs really do inspire me on a weekly basis (which is why I’ve only listed seven). Check them out and join in the fun!

Where’s My Backpack? – a great travel blog by Ailsa, who publishes a travel-themed photo challenge every Friday.

Cee’s Photography – Cee is all about the photography, and hosts several weekly challenges. My favourites are Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge on Tuesdays and Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge on Wednesdays.

The Daily Post’s Photo Challenges – another Friday offering, which I often try to combine with Ailsa’s.

Nancy Merrill Photography – A lovely site showcasing Nancy’s photography. Each Thursday she does her A Photo a Week Challenge.

A Word in Your Ear – Sue intersperses her travel posts with her A Word A Week Photograph Challenge.

Flickr Comments – Frizztext has been cycling through the alphabet with his A-Z Challenge, starting a new letter each Tuesday, although he’s been quiet in 2015 so far!

Jennifer Nichole Wells – Like Cee and Nancy, Jennifer’s blog is focused on her photography. Each Tuesday she hosts her One Word Photo Challenge, which currently focuses on a different obscure colour each week.


If you share some or all of my interests – and especially if you’re a fellow photo challenge junkie – why not sign up and follow my continuing Journeys here at Jaspa’s Journal (on WordPress or Bloglovin’), or through my website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr?

And if that’s not enough for you, there are now three Jaspa’s Journey novels to enjoy as ebooks! Perfect for Kids 8 – 80!

Jaspa's Journey Logo (Bigger Bucket)

About Jaspa

Jaspa's Journey is a series of award-winning, travel-based adventure novels for strong middle grade readers by Rich Meyrick. Join the Adventure! Read the books! Follow Jaspa’s ongoing Journeys at Let's explore this amazing world together! And don’t forget to download the books and see what the buzz is all about!
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9 Responses to Very Inspiring Blogger Award: A Nice Way To Start The Year!

  1. Thank you so so much. You are much too sweet 🙂

  2. Cee Neuner says:

    Congrats!!! You have named some wonderful blogs. Thanks for adding mine to your list.

  3. Congratulations! And thank you for the nomination!

  4. frizztext says:

    thank you for not forgetting me!

  5. Ruchi says:

    Very well written Jaspa! I have been to Venice as a kid and have faint memories of the place. I would like to go there again 😀

  6. ailsapm says:

    Love it, thank you so so much for the nomination and congrats on yours – and yes, isn’t Venice exquisite? 🙂

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