The Views From Mount Vesuvius

Mount Vesuvius has to be one of the most famous volcanoes on Earth. Of course, what it’s most famous for is the destruction of the Roman town of Pompeii (and four other towns) in AD79.

Mount Vesuvius as seen from Pompeii

Mount Vesuvius as seen from Pompeii

img_2042The views from the top of Vesuvius, at around 4200 feet above sea level, are stunning. To the south, they include the archaeological excavation at Pompeii (once you get your eye in).

The view south from the top of Vesuvius

The view south from the top of Vesuvius

The ruins of Pompeii

The ruins of Pompeii

To the east, is the city of Naples and, closer at hand, the modern towns of Ercolano and Torre del Greco. The Roman predecessors of Ercolano (called Herculaneum) and Torre del Greco were two of the other towns destroyed by the same eruption that buried Pompeii. I hope to be visiting Herculaneum in April.

Torre del Greco and the Bay of Naples

Torre del Greco and the Bay of Naples

Ercolano (left) and Naples in the distance

Ercolano (left) and Naples in the distance

Fun with horizons

Fun with horizons

Of course, standing on the top of Vesuvius, there’s another type of view. One much closer at hand, but no less impressive: down into the volcano’s crater.

img_2183img_2191img_2199 img_2204 img_2206 img_2209And let’s not forget that Vesuvius is still active! Which makes being up there all the more exciting!

Sulphur deposits inside the crater

Sulphur deposits inside the crater

A fumarole, releasing volcanic gasses and steam

A fumarole, releasing volcanic gasses and steam

It’s possible to drive up into the Valle del Gigante (Giant’s Valley), which lies between the rim of the older crater of Mount Somma and the more recent cone of Mount Vesuvius. But the last part of the climb must be made on foot.

Valle del Gigante and the crater rim of Mount Somma

Valle del Gigante and the crater rim of Mount Somma

The path up to the summit of Vesuvius

The path up to the summit of Vesuvius

Looking back into Valle del Gigante

Looking back into Valle del Gigante

This post was inspired by the photo themes of Looking Down on Things from Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge, and also Cee’s Which Way Challenge and Jo’s Monday Walk.

img_2190the-great-migration-coverthe-pride-of-london-coverThe first two Jaspa’s Journey adventures, The Great Migration and The Pride of London, are now available in both paperback and ebook formats! Click here for more information. The third instalment, Jaspa’s Waterloo, is scheduled to be released by Speaking Volumes later this year.

Jaspa’s Journey: Perfect for Kids 8 – 80!


About Jaspa

Jaspa's Journey is a series of award-winning, travel-based adventure novels for strong middle grade readers by Rich Meyrick. Join the Adventure! Read the books! Follow Jaspa’s ongoing Journeys at Let's explore this amazing world together! And don’t forget to download the books and see what the buzz is all about!
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23 Responses to The Views From Mount Vesuvius

  1. restlessjo says:

    That’s a mighty walk, Jaspa! I’ve been to both Pompeii and Ercolano (by train, I hasten to add 🙂 ). Quite magnificent, aren’t they? Many thanks for the link.

  2. Cee Neuner says:

    Gorgeous photos as always. Thanks Jaspa.

  3. Great views, Jaspa. I’ve been to Pompeii, but not up to the top of Vesuvius. The views are spectacular. 🙂

  4. I loved visiting Pompeii. Now I have a good reason to go back: heading up Vesuvius!

  5. Pingback: Jo’s Monday walk : Ponte Vecchio | restlessjo

  6. BeckyB says:

    Never been to Pompeii but it is somewhere I’d love to go, and now I know you can climb Vesuvius I will definitely make the effort to visit.

  7. mukhamani says:

    Fantastic and there is something so alive about Mt Vesuvius. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Gangstars says:

    Looks like a very mysterious place. We would go just for this reason

  9. wow that is so cool! I went up a volcanic mountain too just like you so I can understand how amazing it is! If you have time, check out my latest blog post at and let me know what you think!

    Happy blogging x

  10. Awesome blog post! Thank you for sharing

    Where else have you travelled?

    • Jaspa says:

      I’m lucky enough to have already travelled quite widely, Manisha. Five continents, over 60 countries and all 50 US states…. And I’m just getting started! Seriously though, thanks for stopping by, and check out some of my other posts for an idea of where else I’ve been.

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