Travel Theme: Unexpectedly Fragrant… with Lines

So this week’s travel photo themes are ‘Fragrant’ from Where’s My Backpack? and ‘Unexpected’ from The Daily Post.  After a couple of minutes thought, it was Sue that remembered our visit to the Blue Lagoon in Iceland.

Splashing about in the Blue Lagoon, Iceland

Splashing about in the Blue Lagoon, Iceland

The pool is set within the dark grey volcanic landscape of the south western-most part of the island, which makes its incredible turquoise colour all the more beautiful. Although the lagoon itself is artificial, it lies in a depression within an honest-to-goodness lava flow, and the water in it is naturally superheated underground. In fact, it’s actually used to turn turbines in a nearby geothermal power station on its way to the spa. How’s that for reusable energy?!

You might be wondering, “What’s any of this got to do with either Fragrant or Unexpected?” Well, the fact is, the Blue Lagoon really whiffed! As did all the other geothermal springs we visited during our stay in Iceland. Given their volcanic origins, this probably shouldn’t have come as such a surprise, if we’d thought about it. But having never been to this type of landscape before, the Fragrant strength of the eggy smell (although not really rotten) of the sulphur-rich waters was definitely Unexpected.

What a whiff!

What a whiff!

But it's not THAT bad!

But it’s not THAT bad!

So that's where the smell is coming from!

So that’s where the smell is coming from!

While sorting through our photos from the Blue Lagoon, I found a couple that included the spa buildings beside the pool itself. And I couldn’t help noticing they fit quite nicely with this week’s Word A Week Challenge from A Word In Your Ear, which happens to be ‘Lines’. I hope you don’t think this is too much of a stretch!

The linear design of the Blue Lagoon Spa buildings

The linear design of the Blue Lagoon Spa buildings

About Jaspa

Jaspa's Journey is a series of award-winning, travel-based adventure novels for strong middle grade readers by Rich Meyrick. Join the Adventure! Read the books! Follow Jaspa’s ongoing Journeys at Let's explore this amazing world together! And don’t forget to download the books and see what the buzz is all about!
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19 Responses to Travel Theme: Unexpectedly Fragrant… with Lines

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Competition: Unexpected | Reflections and Nightmares- Irene A Waters (writer and memoirist)

  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge-Unexpected | WoollyMuses

  3. randee says:

    Looks like a neat place.

  4. Angelia Sims says:

    What a splash! Love the whiff photo! This is absolutely gorgeous! And I think you did well using all the themes this week in one post. Now, that is talent!

  5. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge-Unexpected-2 | WoollyMuses

  6. farnward says:

    Your spa looks very blahzay, there I said it.

  7. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge / B4 Retouch: Unexpected (Karnak) | What's (in) the picture?

  8. Pingback: 11-23-13 Travel Theme: Fragrant | The Quotidian Hudson

  9. Pingback: Weekly Challenge: Unexpected | Through the Eye of Bastet

  10. Pingback: Travel theme : Fragrant | Processing the life

  11. Pingback: Travel Theme-Fragrant | WoollyMuses

  12. Jo Bryant says:

    looks like fun. What is the blue stuff on the face ? We have the same sort of thing here in New Zealand. One town…Rotorua…you can smell as you get closer to it

    • Jaspa says:

      New Zealand is definitely high on my bucket list! The stuff on Rich’s face is actually a fine, white silica mud that coats the bottom of the lagoon. Apparently, it’s good for the skin!

  13. s296 says:

    But not so good for your eyes. It really stings!

  14. Pingback: Unexpected photographs | Processing the life

  15. Pingback: Iceland In The Off-Season | Jaspa's Journal

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